Vacation Packing Checklist

Growing up, every year I looked forward to summer camp. One item that was sent with the registration was a list of things to pack. There are still good memories of the shopping trip prior to traveling–little containers of shampoo, lotion and toothpaste. I would purchase snacks like Corn nuts, sunflower seeds,  and Bubble Yum that I’d share with my bunkmates. And, a pack of cards for those times I could play solitaire instead of taking a nap during the scheduled time.  

One thing I make sure of packing nowadays is an emery board and nail polish remover. Too often I would break a nail, or have chipped nail polish that I would have no remedy for unless a market was nearby. I found most hotels don’t supply those.

Another fun thing to do is to bring stationary and stamps to write and send old fashioned letters, and a journal to keep notes of everything. Think of the person that would be most happy to receive a personal note from you. You can also purchase postcards at your destination.

[Note, I am not getting affiliate compensation for the links I’m providing. I just thought I’d add interest to show some items I enjoy]

Packing Checklist

Here is a list of Items to pack on your vacation. This checklist is for traveling where there is bedding and towels already supplied like when you are staying in a hotel. Check with the place you will be at to make sure you will not need to bring your own sheets and towels or any extra items like electronic adapters if you’re going overseas.

One of the best things about planning your packing is that you can spend time thinking about how much fun you’ll have, and sort of experience your trip before you go.  Most hotels supply shampoo, conditioner, and soap. I suggest keeping jewelry to a minimum.

__ Nightclothes

__ Outfits for the total number of days and a few extra items just in case

__ Shoes and sandals

__ Underwear

__ Swimsuit

__ Exercise/special activity clothes

__ Extra items like hiking boots or wet suit depending on your destination

__ Evening wear for special outings

__ Sunscreen

__ Deodorant

__ Hairspray/gel

__ Makeup

__ Razor

__ Toothbrush/Toothpaste/Dental Floss

__ Facial cleanser

__ Hairbrush/comb

__ Socks

__ Prescriptions/vitamins


__ Deck of playing cards

__ Snacks

__ Novel

__ Sunglasses

__ Emery board

__ Nail polish and remover

__ [What else do you need?] __________________________________________