I confess. I blew it again. Just when I thought I was doing a better job at how I reacted to injustices, it’s still upsetting. Not that I don’t have reason to be frustrated but I was hoping I’d do better. There are many stories in the bible about how Jesus had to confront the devil when even, was he surprised, the enemy used the word of God against him.
After talking about my struggles with a Pastor he gave me a book called The Three Battlegrounds. I just started reading it, but now it’s making more sense. The enemy will accuse us because even if there is a little bit of truth to what he is saying, he can step into our darkness.
But, and this is a huge but, because I have Jesus his accusations will not stand. I can confess to Christ my part and he forgives me. This doesn’t make it right to accuse, and it may not mean I will react any differently the next time he rears his ugly head, but because I have Christ I have hope that I will begin to change and be more perfected. It’s really so simple. I’m not sure why I make it harder than it has to be.
For it is by grace you have been saved through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9