Something’s been bothering me lately. It seems the more I do what I’ve heard I’m supposed to do as a Christian the more I feel like I’m striving to be the kind of person I think I’m supposed to be and it’s making me inauthentic and miserable. Here are some of the things I make an effort to do as an obedient Christian.
1. Get up and read the bible the first thing in the morning.
2. Attend church every Sunday
3. Love all you sisters and brothers in Christ.
4. Memorize verses.
5. Forgive all the people who have harmed you.
Of course, all these suggestions are in the will of God and can make you feel better when you do them, but what happens when you’re all tapped out of energy, resources, time and love? How do you love your sisters and brothers when you aren’t loving yourself? How do you give resources when you’re lacking yourself?
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. Ephesians 3:17
I’m going to make a suggestion–maybe all this stiff obedience really isn’t what obedience is supposed to be about. If we’re supposed to be free and learn to live in the joy of the Lord, it’s time to learn to be that promise.
Maybe when you sit with him tomorrow morning instead of dutifully reading that bible verse you have on your check off list, he’ll tell you to sing a worship song. Perhaps tomorrow, in place of trying to forgive that person you’ve been working on forgiving you can first learn to forgive yourself.
I think from now on the only thing I’m going to strive for is to intend to be authentically who I was created to be.
Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.
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It sounds like you’re not abandoning the “ought to’s” of the Christian life (Bible study, fellowship, forgiveness), but instead finding the forms that are more appropriate for you. May God bless you as you discover your own authentic path that ends in joy and gladness.
Janene, you’re my “neighbor” on Holley Gerth’s link up
Constance, I appreciate your feedback. Yes, I’m not abandoning those ought to’s just trying to find a way to express them in my own authentic way. Feeling free in Christ. May your path be blessed also.
Yes! When we do those things automatically, they lose their meaning. Each day is new and different and we should treat them as such. 🙂
I’m learning to do that more often, Sarah. Thanks for the encouragement.
How I like this post. I’m a list and check-off person and can easily make my quiet time be like that.
Thanks, Melodie. It’s so easy to fall back on being a check-off person, like I often do, and how grateful I am that we are forgiven in that instance too!