The Father’s Heart

My husband and I have been traveling on the East Coast spreading the gospel to many churches and people we meet outside of churches.  Our most dramatic experiences with people have been while we were traveling and taking what we thought were little off the road side tours to see sights but we realized later were divine appointments.

We have seen many salvations, healings and deliverances during these times. Mark 16:18. We are thankful the Holy Spirit is with us as we meet these people.  We are also very grateful for the many churches who have hosted us along the way.

We helped the Father’s Heart Ministries in Rochester, New York with their food ministry for the needy on one of the worst streets in the Rochester area. We met many wonderful people who were open to the gospel and welcomed prayer and ministry. The food they give out to the needy is restaurant quality. We were served a delicious pasta dinner for helping out!