Achieving Dreams

Cinderella DreamsDreams are often achieved in fairy tale children’s stories and kids are encouraged to believe in them but as adults we are often told to “get real” or to “stop living in fantasy land” if we try to bring up our dreams.  Why the disconnect? I’d like to suggest that not only can dreams come true in adult’s real lives but they can be even better than those iconic stories if we really do believe in what God’s plan is for us and don’t give up when the stuff that tries to get us off track gets in the way.

I was really encouraged last night while reading after posing a hard question to God.

Long Life?

“Do you really promise long life to your people?”

My google search along those lines brought up’s article “Does God Promise Long Life?”

One of the verses that I rely on in this instance is in Psalm 91:16  ‘With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

But, it seemed like there might be more to the story than that verse so I wanted to be sure I was hearing things correctly.  The bible knowledge article referenced a handful of verses, all from the old testament, that support this promise but said there were requirements to be met in order to realize this promise.  Mainly, it stated the requirements are:

1. The blessing is only for Jews and Christians

2.  You must be fully surrendered

3.  You must walk and obey all God’s ways and commandments

Read the rest of the story’s ideas here: Click here

A Shoe-Fits Mate?

So what about that dream marriage that so many people think up at a young age?  Is it possible? Well, in Matthew 19:4-6 it states “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’  and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’ ?  So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”  A mate that God brings to you sounds like a good fit to me.  No cramming feet into shoes that are the wrong size.


So, what about that thing that so many strive for but have a hard time achieving, true happiness?  What’s amazing is that beyond happiness, God promises joy.  We are promised in Nehemiah 8:10 that ….the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  Happiness is fleeting but joy remains despite what is going on in life.

So, dreams like a long life, a right fit mate and joy can come true in real life too. We just have to believe and not give up when things get tough just like in those fairy tales.

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.



Learning to Take Off Our Masks

Masks copy

Finishing What Was Started

A few weeks ago I decided to finish this painting that I had started about ten years previously but had left unfinished in the garage. I was off doing other things and every time I thought about getting out the paints, it just seemed like it would take too much time. When I finally sat down it was the long 4th of July weekend and my social calendar wasn’t very full. I decided to not put off the task any longer. The funny thing was, it hadn’t taken too much time to finish. There was really only a refining of the details. The completion date was on a Saturday and I forced myself not to go into an overly critical mode when working on the painting or even try to make it perfect.


The next Sunday at church the sermon was about how we often put on masks and don’t really show our true selves. My mind went directly to the painting I had just finished. It was about the same thing. I had started the painting from a sketch I did while in a meditation group. I hadn’t been following Jesus at the time but I was getting very vivid pictures in my head and this was an image I held while in the group. After the meeting I went directly to my sketch pad to recreate the scene. Somehow I knew it was important.

At one point after I was saved, I had asked God what the painting was about. He had given me the verse,

Night and day we pray earnestly for you, asking God to let us see you again to fill the gaps in your faith. 1 thessalonians 3:10

Other People

That verse reminded me of all the people who had said after I turned to Christ that they had been praying for me.  All that time I was running away from Him and He had still been seeking out other people to help get me back on the right path. I was wearing a false mask.  That’s what the painting was about.

Now, sometimes when I see other people wearing their fake masks I do my best to remember where I had once been and how they too have the opportunity to take off their false identity and become who they were meant to be. For me, I’m hearing that I am an artist. In the past I’ve been afraid to express that but God gives us so many gifts like courage and strength. I wonder if you were to take off your mask, what you might discover underneath. It’s never too late to reach your destiny.

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.


Nature Gives Hope

Sometimes gardens are good examples of spiritual truths and cycles.

I haven’t spent much time lately in the garden that I used to tend to so delicately.  It wasn’t until a few weeks ago after waking up at 4:30 a.m.and finding nothing more to do than pray, that I saw the true state of it.

The night before I had been to a growth group meeting with some other women of God. One lady had just come back from a mission trip to Paraguay and had shared her experience and pictures. They had spent time at a women’s prison where children were born and being raised. She told stories of life and loss.

While in prayer the next morning I felt I learned truths I hadn’t seen before and was thanking Him.  It seemed like one of those powerful, now I know why I woke up to pray this early, kind of mornings.  When I was done I heard little patterings.  Surely, I thought, that can’t be rain in the middle of the summer. But then the noise got louder so I opened the window to a downpour of rain.  I went outside to stand in the rain and felt joy building up inside me.

Then, I traveled to the backyard. I hadn’t realized what damage years of neglect could do–dead plants, dried leaves, and bugs eating up foliage. But there, dripping around all the dead branches were ready-to-pick dark purple grapes, dangling among the half eaten vines.  The damage looked salvageable.


Nature and prayer gave me hope that morning, but  I still had to harvest the grapes and more spiritual truths would be uncovered while in the process of coming against the worm that was eating the leaves.

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.


Kindness and Generosity


Admiration. What do you admire? The kind word. The unspoken glance. The correction you didn’t want to hear but someone was brave enough to say. It seems the things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, are often the things that go unnoticed. Instead of paying attention to the loud voices, the bad news, or the angry words how much more generous would a man be if he opened his thoughts to the good? Would the world change? Would there be a butterfly effect? Would peace ensue? Would a kind word a day keep the doctor away?

©Jack Schiffer/Dreamstime Stock Photo


Watching Our Thoughts

Thoughts in our minds flow in and out of our heads so rapidly we often don’t even notice the ones that are the gold. Junk often bubbles up to the surface first. Like, how we forgot to take out the trash or being upset that the cat peed on the carpet again. Maybe you were late for that appointment and now you’re badgering yourself about it. In an environment flooded with negativity we stand fixed on the pitfalls. We often forget to look up to see the glass half full.

Having a Different Point of View

Perhaps the world is a kinder place than we imagine. Maybe even though those things happened this morning, you’re doing the best you can. Can you believe that you are really loved?  I bet you are doing good. Maybe, just maybe, that smile at that man on the bus was the only good thing that happened to him today.


But, there are distractions that can get in the way of those encouraging ideas. A client calls. Perhaps he’s upset and so now you’re mad with yourself. Before you start that downward spiral, take a minute to pause. Possibly, his troubles are his own.

Finding Kindness and Generosity

Have you opened your eyes to really see? Have you pitched your ears to really hear? Listen. Listen. What do you perceive? What’s beyond the noise? Past the racket. Calm. Calm. Peace. Breathe. In the silence there is beauty. In the silence there is trust. In the silence the kindness and generosity of men becomes quite clear.

Inspired by John Steinbeck’s quote: “It has always seemed strange to me…The things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest, are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second.”

― John Steinbeck, Cannery Row

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.


Defending Your Faith

Two Unexpected Guests

This morning my doorbell rang.  When I answered, two young ladies stood in front of me. I figured they were either realtors or Jehovah Witnesses.  I realized my latter guess was correct when they asked something about what I thought the future held.  I told them I was a Christian and had faith in Christ and was saved by grace.

A Verse Blessing

The lady in the front started talking and pulled out her bible.  She read a verse I believe was,

James 1:12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. 

A Confirmation

I told her I was going through trials and that she had blessed me with that verse.  She continued talking and wanted me to take one of their flyers with their web address. As she was talking I responded back with verses that I had remembered from my bible studies. While conversing with them I thought about how they were like angels and had spoken truth to me with the verse from James but that, having read a little about what Jehovah Witnesses believe, they were partly in error in their faith.

Speaking Truth

I tried to convey this truth by mentioning to them that we are warned not to add or subtract from anything He had written in His word.

And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. Revelation 22:19.

Rather than engage in further discussion, however, they decided to turn around and leave. As they were leaving, I again thanked them for blessing me with the word, but I felt like I should have been better at expressing my own beliefs.

Standing on What You Believe

I’ve had other instances this week where I felt like I was having to defend my faith.  So often it seems I’m dodging arrows that are either verbally stated or that are underhanded.

So, how do Christians stand in the offensive?  How do we walk with so much love that the arrows of the fruit of the spirit are sent to people so we overcome the attacks before they even happen?

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-23

I have to say that I’m still trying to learn how to walk this path of love but I will focus on making an effort to walk so full of the fruit of the spirit that I stand in the offensive so that people are touched in a profound way.  I hope you will too.

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.


5 Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn From the Movie Maleficent

Image from

1. Sometimes our wings are stolen from us, but we can still recover from the loss.

We’re often hurt in life by betrayals from others but as long as we can find a place to heal our hearts we can get back our wings and fly again.

2.  Our first impressions aren’t always accurate–Learn to discern the truth.

I’ve learned that sometimes what at first appears to look scary has an inside that is beautiful, and that sometimes pretty exteriors don’t have very nice interiors.

3.  Even when a curse is spoken over us, there is a way out from under it.

The light will always trump the dark so even if something is thrown in our way to trip us up, we’ll get back on the right path eventually.

4.  Our relatives aren’t always the ones who love us the most.

It’s interesting how people show up in our lives at just the right time occasionally and they can often be more of an important influence in our lives than our family members.

5.  True loves comes in many different forms.

Although we’re trained at an early age to think of true love as that one special romantic relationship, we often overlook the people who really love us in the process of searching for that romance.

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.


Are These 5 Tasks Making You Obedient But Unhappy?


Something’s been bothering me lately.  It seems the more I do what I’ve heard I’m supposed to do as a Christian the more I feel like I’m striving to be the kind of person I think I’m supposed to be and it’s making me inauthentic and miserable.  Here are some of the things I make an effort to do as an obedient Christian.

1.  Get up and read the bible the first thing in the morning.

2. Attend church every Sunday

3. Love all you sisters and brothers in Christ.

4.  Memorize verses.

5.  Forgive all the people who have harmed you.

Of course, all these suggestions are in the will of God and can make you feel better when you do them, but what happens when you’re all tapped out of energy, resources, time and love?  How do you love your sisters and brothers when you aren’t loving yourself?  How do you give resources when you’re lacking yourself?

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.  Ephesians 3:17

I’m going to make a suggestion–maybe all this stiff obedience really isn’t what obedience is supposed to be about.  If we’re supposed to be free and learn to live in the joy of the Lord, it’s time to learn to be that promise.

Maybe when you sit with him tomorrow morning instead of dutifully reading that bible verse you have on your check off list, he’ll tell you to sing a worship song.  Perhaps tomorrow, in place of trying to forgive that person you’ve been working on forgiving you can first learn to forgive yourself.

I think from now on the only thing I’m going to strive for is to intend to be authentically who I was created to be.

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.


A Modern Day Cinderella Short Memo Story

The internal memo read “Star in this year’s annual company play Cinderella.”

Claire looked at the imposing memo with dread.  For too many years she had passed up on trying out for a performance. At last year’s annual review Mrs. Teasdale’s only complaint of her otherwise stellar work performance was that she hadn’t put herself in the limelight more at work. She said many of the higher ups didn’t know who she was because of it.

“You know Claire, ” Mrs. Teasdale had said, “you’re a star waiting to happen.  You just haven’t happened yet.”

Claire wasn’t clear if what Mrs. Teasdale said was a put down or a compliment but she wasn’t going to ruin her excellent work history by a little thing like missing out on a play.  Claire grabbed the memo, wrote Cinderella on top, and got to work.

….How would you continue the story? Will Claire try out for the play or miss out once again?


8 Biblical Verses About Living in Abundance

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to live an abundant life in all areas including financial abundance. I believe that we live in a world that offers many opportunities. There is joy in living in this world and all that it has to offer and not just waiting for an eternal reward but living “on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

It’s time to start living in the overflow so that you can be a blessing to others.  Right here, right now.

Here are eight biblical verses to keep in mind about living in abundance.

♡Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful But his delight is in the law of the Lord and His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper. For the lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall perish. Psalm 1:1-3

♡The earth is the Lord’s, and all it fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. Psalm 24:1

♡And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. Deuteronomy 8:18

♡Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil. John 12:3

♡And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

♡Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. 2 Corinthians 9:10-11

♡Your plenty will supply what they need. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion. 2 Corinthians 8:14

♡Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established, by knowledge the rooms are filled will all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.


What Remains After the Fire

A Fire Rages

Two weeks ago, a fire raged through a canyon about a half mile from the home I purchased eight years ago with dreams of starting my life over after going through the trauma of a divorce two years before that. I had decided to rent for a few years and really take my time in finding a place I could call home. When the brochure for an area called Del Sur landed in my mailbox while I was renting a townhome in Santaluz, just one community over, I realized that was the place I wanted to live. The brochure featured artisans creating handmade tiles and a community focused around parks and a walkable community center–just what I was seeking.

Trying To Start Over

I bought into the idea and a plot before I even knew exactly where the home would be located. There wasn’t even a road built yet to get into the area. They were holding auctions to be a part of the first phase. I couldn’t wait and signed up after the bank approved my loan amount even though it was a little more than I thought I could afford. My business was taking off and I just knew it would keep getting better.

After the Fire

A Shaky Foundation

Things were exciting at first. I got to go to parties and special events to watch the house being built. I made friends with some of my neighbors. The first year we were all designing back yards and hanging out together. It appeared this was the idyllic place for me to be.

The initial hint my decision may not have been a good one was one Fall morning in 2007 when I woke up to cars honking and screams of “fire” from my neighbors. I jumped out of bed, turned on the TV and saw homes in flames just one neighborhood over. I grabbed my computer, my two cats, and a bottle of wine a vintner had recently given me, and jumped into my car still in my pajamas and not sure where I was going. I had left the TV on in my panic and hadn’t even packed a toothbrush. I decided to head toward the ocean.

That fire, what the news was calling the 2007 Firestorm, was what propelled me into my faith walk. I had just read a book called God is Closer than You Think.  I hadn’t realized how close God really was at that point.

A Second Fire

So, when a text from a friend warned me about a fire in my neighborhood two weeks ago the panic that had been felt in 2007 wasn’t there, only a gratitude that I had a friend who was concerned about me.   I was working in an area in San Diego called Liberty Station that wasn’t being affected by the fires and another friend was offering a bed for the night near the ocean.  Luckily, the evacuation was lifted that evening and I was able to return to my home. A home, that in the past six years had been been a point of constant worry as the economy and my business went down with each passing year.  I had gotten to a point that I told myself whatever happened with my home, I would still somehow survive.  The second fire showed me how far I had come from the stress and worry of the first one.  In the seven years since the first fire, my possessions hadn’t become my main concern.

God Speaks Through the Hand of a Child

A day after the evacuation was lifted with the smell of smoke still in the air, I walked around the neighborhood. Wind was blowing fiercely and I was praying as I walked.  I came upon an index card that a child had written.  In pencil the left side of the card said what was my responsibility “Make Shack” and “Level Ground”. The right side said what the group needed to do “Get Firewood”, “Help Shack”, “Make Tools”, and “Make Skeleton of Well”.

I looked at the card in a sort of unbelief as if God were speaking to me through that child.  I had made my shack from the ground up and had worked through leveling the ground by learning what it means to live on the Rock.  Maybe God was trying to tell me my part in the matter and I needed to let Him help with the right side of the card–that any remaining worry wasn’t mine alone.  He would get the firewood to bring me to Him. He would help with my shack and give me the tools to do so.  Maybe the well had already been created by Him.

“…You will draw water from cisterns you did not dig…” Deuteronomy 6:11

An Entrance

As I walked, I pondered these thoughts in a state of wonder.  I came to the entrance of the concrete path to my front door. A branch from a tree that was different from any of the branches in my yard or the neighbors, stood across the entry to the path.  I picked it up and was reminded of Noah’s olive branch.

This time the dove returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. Then Noah knew that the floodwaters were almost gone.  Genesis 8:11 NLT

Somehow, God was making his point quite clear to me through the hand of a child.  I didn’t need to worry.  He was in control.

I’m not sure what material possessions will remain after this fire.  My house is still in danger, although not by a fire.  I do know perhaps what’s most important of all though, that I will continue to have faith like a little child.

Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.  Matthew 18:3 NLT

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Coffee For Your Heart is a weekly challenge with Holley Gerth. Click on the heart to the left to find out how you can participate in this challenge too.